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Customized CRM Management Services

Capture contacts and communicate with them seamlessly

The whole point of collecting contact data is to be able to sort and categorize and ultimately benefit from the wealth of information gathered in your CRM software. Contact Boss’s customer database management software offers your small business the simplest way to keep in touch with contacts - through seamless integrations with Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail and more. You can also easily download your contact data for use in other marketing applications, such as MailChimp, iContact, and Constant Contact.

Adding contact details is easy with Contact Boss. You have the option of using the standard “Create Contact” where you can input a range of details to your online address book, or if you are in a rush, or need to grab the data on the run, you can use the Contact Boss “Quick Create” option, then add more detail later. In either case it is simple to check for duplicates avoiding annoying double entries in your contact database. Also, the robust search function at Contact Boss ensures that you will always be able to find the data you are looking for.

Watch as Your Database Grows

An easy-to-use, yet powerful CRM database manager allowing you to track and manage the people who drive your organization

Customized CRM Management Services
Customized CRM Management Services

Looking for the best way to manage your client contact database? Sign up for our Contact Boss Free Trial!

Explore Contact Boss for one month and test out the features that make our CRM one of the most efficient and affordable contact systems available anywhere.

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