Never miss a follow-up or deadline with our Contact Boss Reminders feature!

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A graphic depicting a group of individuals accessing a contact CRM

Create Reminders

We all have great intentions when we plan our work schedule and we certainly want to complete tasks and follow up with customers as promised. However, sometimes short-term distractions make us forget our good intentions! Contact Boss can ensure that you fulfill your important responsibilities with a simple-to-set-up reminder tool. The auto reminder feature also allows you to assign tasks to team members, providing a prompt plus tracking mechanism with deadline dates included.

You will notice that it is easy to check back and see the contact details, simply by clicking on the contact link on the Reminders log page. As well, when on the Contact Profile page, you will see a direct link to the Reminders feature.

The follow-up assignment can also define the preferred mode of contact including phone, email, virtual meeting or in-person. And there is lots of room to record any specific notes for each contact reminder. With just a few strokes on the keyboard you can make sure that your customers are given the attention they deserve and your contacts are well looked after. All team members will appreciate the ability to keep track of their relationships and communicate with their contacts on a timely basis!

Never miss a follow-up or deadline with our Contact Boss Reminders feature
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